375 Aberdeen Ave., Hamilton, ON L8P 2R7 | 905-522-1351 | office@bethjacobsynagogue.ca

Hamilton Beit Midrash 5779

August 18, 2019 - August 22, 2019, 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Beth Jacob Synagogue
375 Aberdeen Avenue
Hamilton, Ontario L8P 2R7

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Hamilton Beit Midrash

Learn Talmud deeply and well at the Hamilton Beit Midrash, a volunteer-run program hosted by Beth Jacob Synagogue.


havrutha study

This year’s theme is “climate catastrophe and response”. Our conversation about climate change often foregrounds guilt, and the connection between human morality and environmental health. That conversation is one the sages of the Talmud were already exploring. What is the connection between right action and rainfall, between oppression and drought? To dig into this, we will be learning Massekhet Taanit, a tractate focused primarily on drought and other forms of natural disaster, and on cultivating spiritual and social interiors which deepen our harmony with the world.

Our investigation would not be complete if it only examined what we must not do and how “bad” we are. We must also deepen our knowledge of positive relationships that can and have existed with the natural world. In our afternoon shiurim, we will be learning traditional practices of gratitude and connection with nature.

Write to hamiltonbeitmidrash@gmail.com for an application form, or go to http://shaharuth.blogspot.com/p/hamiltonbeitmidrash.html for more information!

Click here for the PDF course schedule and descriptions.

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